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Ambassador Academy II

Wednesday, Feb. 5
1 - 3 p.m.

Ambassador Academy 2025 is led by Christopher Kush, author and CEO of Soapbox Consulting LLC. As CEO of Soapbox Consulting, Kush has trained hundreds of thousands of citizens from all over the United States to effectively influence Congress, state and local governments. He has helped design sophisticated key-contact networks, lobby days and grassroots training programs for many national associations including the American Cancer Society, Human Rights Campaign and Goodwill International. Kush is the author of three books on grassroots organizing including "Grassroots Games" and "The One-Hour Activist".

With a new Congress starting in January, Ambassador Academy is perfectly timed to help you sharpen your advocacy skills and make 2025 the year you had a positive impact on the golf industry through advocacy.

You must be currently serving in the Grassroots Ambassador program to attend Academy. If you would like to join the Grassroots Ambassador program, register here. Those who have registered for Academy but have failed to join the Ambassador program by Dec. 31, 2024, will have their registration for this event cancelled. Contact Michael Lee, GCSAA senior manager, government affairs, for more information.

presented in partnership with Bayer


Christopher Kush

 Christopher Kush, CEO of Soapbox Consulting LLC