
Read the Competition Policy.


You and your partner each play your own ball (pairings may be requested but are not guaranteed).

  • Lower score will be score for the hole.
  • No penalty if one player does not complete the hole.
  • Up to four divisions, however, you or your partner cannot exceed a combined handicap of 45.
  • Only one golfer with professional status may play on a team.


One-day fun event. Perfect for those that cannot make it for the entire tournament.

  • Stand-alone event open to all members.
  • Great opportunity to network with industry experts, enjoy a day of golf and unwind at the 19th Hole Reception with your peers.
  • Choose your own foursome or request to be paired randomly from the pool of players.

Golf Classic

The longest running and most popular of the tournament events.

  • Two-day flighted tournament open to all skill levels.
  • Golf Classic uses the point quota scoring system.
  • A point quota for each round is established by subtracting your verified handicap index from 36.
  • Maximum allowable handicap index for point scoring is 30.
  • Handicap index over 30 assigned minimum of 6 points per day.

Quota scoring systems point values:

  • 0 Double Bogey or worse
  • 1 Bogey
  • 2 Par
  • 3 Birdie
  • 4 Eagle
  • 5 Double Eagle

Your point total for the round will be compared to your pre-determined quota for your score.

National Championship

  • 36-hole stroke-play
  • Open to first 72 entrants with a verified handicap index of 5.0 and below.
  • Overall champion and a low senior champion (age 50 and over) will be crowned.

Chapter Competition

If you are competing in the National Championship or Golf Classic, you can also opt into the Chapter Team Competition. Gross and net winner will be crowned with 75% of the entry fees paid back to the winning chapter.

Entry fee: $20 per player.

Teams will consist of five (5) players (Class A, B, C, EM, A-Retired, Superintendent Member-Retired, C-Retired, AA Life, and Affiliate member) and must be designated no later than 15 days prior to the tournament start date by a designated team captain. Only one (1) team member may be an affiliate member. Each chapter may enter more than one (1) team (there is no limit), but a member may play on only one (1) team.

Chapter Team Registration. All teams must pre-register all team members 15 days in advance of the start of the tournament. A separate entry fee will be collected. All competitor changes/modifications must be communicated on-site by the close of registration.

Register My Team