

Golf Course Irrigation Renovation - Making the Decision

Wednesday, February 9
8:00am – 12:00pm

Registration Required


Presented in Partnership with Hunter Industries.

(1306-01) The presentation will focus on what superintendents need to know about making the decision to start the process of planning a golf course irrigation renovation through the construction process. Superintendents will learn what the demands will be of them in convincing the club to proceed with an irrigation renovation, planning, and being involved in the construction/renovation project/process. They will learn key issues that could arise during the process from start to finish and how to see them before they occur. They will learn how to act as the golf course’s key representative to the irrigation consultant, golf course contractor, and irrigation supplier. Since the superintendent of the course is often the most involved employee of the golf course in the process and tasked with making sure the consultant and contractor are successfully executing the construction/renovation. The information presented will allow the attendees to be able to better understand what to expect during their next golf course irrigation renovation/construction project.

Room Number: 5B