

Work is Hard – Especially with No Workers

Monday, February 6
10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Power Hour

Chapters are putting work into helping members solve labor problems. We’ll hear from chapter leaders the actions they are taking to work this issue. Others in the Industry have stepped up with solutions, too, and we’ll hear how you might be able to use similar programs to get more workers in your area.

Marc Connerly, GCSANC Executive Director, will present about the Housing Grant Program for Interns and Assistants in Training that the chapter provides in Northern California.

Tyler Bloom, founder of Tyler Bloom Consulting, shares details about the mentoring, intern, work pipeline the Mid-Atlantic chapter is setting up and how they are getting the word out by going to schools to talk about turf jobs.

Jada Paisley, CMP, Executive Director of the Michigan Golf Course Association, will discuss the greenkeeper apprenticeship passed in Michigan and developed in partnership with GCSAA.

Mike Richardson, Ph.D., University of Arkansas, explains the Career and Leadership Development Events taught by the National FFA and its impact on getting workers.

JR Wilson, CTEM, Noyac Golf Club, will present details for internship/apprenticeships for the equipment manager segment.

Room Number: W208AB