

Lightning Round Learning

Tuesday, January 30
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Power Hour

(1390-9-24) Experience a whirlwind of wisdom in this lightning-fast hour. Speakers have only 5 minutes to ignite your curiosity, leaving you inspired, engaged, and informed on a wide variety of topics. Don't miss this dynamic session, with all-new talks for 2024.

Choose Your Hard: Finding Your Identity

Getting the Most Out of Your CTS

Grow Beyond the Course

Herbicide Tolerance of 11 Grass Species for Minimal-to-No Mow Golf Course Rough Areas

Looking After NO.1! How to Build Strong Personal and Professional Resilience that Supports You and Your Team

Swinging Towards Resilience: Green Stormwater Infrastructure Strategies for Golf Courses

Tips and Tools for Stress Reduction

Room Number: N. Ballroom 120BC 100 Level